One day of construction at a time

Dog-gone it

Dog-gone it

We planned on getting a dog, once our landscaping was done.  When we started litter shopping last year, we assumed our landscaping would be done by January.  Well, that didn’t happen, but the dog did.  Little Cooper came home with us in early January, and is now 13 weeks old. Lucky for us, some neighborsRead more about Dog-gone it[…]

The driveway

The driveway

It almost seems like a mythical thing, the driveway.  Something rumored but never seen. We’ve been living without a driveway, or ability to park off street, since we moved in back in August.  In fact, we haven’t had a garage to park our cars in since early 2013, almost six years.  Now, we are gettingRead more about The driveway[…]

Pool house deck

Pool house deck

Our pool house was mostly complete, but lacking the deck and the shower slab.  That work started in December. First, the steps leading up to the deck, and the supports around the deck had to be poured.  We also added a collar around the old fireplace foundation for good measure; that 100+ year old formerlyRead more about Pool house deck[…]

Yea, I took a break from blogging (and it’s been a slow couple of months)

Yea, I took a break from blogging (and it’s been a slow couple of months)

It’s been over two months since my last entry on the house progress.  It was partly the business of the holidays with six family members visiting, and Christmas with three kids, partly another major plumbing issue slash disaster, and part just plain fatigue with all things building and our house; it’s been almost three yearsRead more about Yea, I took a break from blogging (and it’s been a slow couple of months)[…]