Much progress on cabinets

We saw a lot of progress on the cabinets last week.  The 2nd floor is almost entirely done.  Here are some particularly nice features.

My office (I do quite a bit of my work from home):

Our master bedroom:

The master closet:

And, our laundry room:

Interestingly, with a few of the cabinets, once installed, we notice small things we want to be different.  In the case of the laundry room, on top of the washer and dryer is too high for folding, and the surface on the other side is too short for larger items.  So we will add a small section just under the stone top for the left side counter that has slide out panels, kind of like old kitchen cutting boards, so make a larger (albeit slightly uneven, folding surface.

The kitchen install should start this week … I can’t wait!

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