One day of construction at a time



The siding work began last week.  We’ve got scaffolding up all around the house, and the house has been Tyvek wrapped. Other than the building wrap, one of the first things the siding contractor is working on is the second floor skirt, also sometimes called a flare  Here are the beginnings of that framing. HereRead more about Siding[…]

Design decisions

Design decisions

In December, our beloved designer informed us that she could no longer work on our project for personal reasons.  Over the next two months, and interviews with 7 very capable designers, we found someone we felt comfortable with. During that time we also realized that we needed to do major changes to our landscape design. Read more about Design decisions[…]

Plodding along

Plodding along

A lot is happening but in some ways, the house feels a little stuck, as there aren’t any big accomplishments to announce.  The HVAC and Plumbing teams continue to chip away at those two installations, which are getting pretty far along. We are waiting for confirmation of when the window installation will begin.  Coming onRead more about Plodding along[…]

Drywall loading

Drywall loading

We’ve arranged for the scaffolding to be installed and expect the installation of windows to begin in the next week.  To prepare for the installation of windows (and other final look elements that might suffer from a shift in the building foundation) it is important to load the building with the heaviest materials so thatRead more about Drywall loading[…]

The ant farm

The ant farm

We’ve had on and off rain for the last month.  But, now that we have a roof on and the last bit of concrete poured, it doesn’t matter much.  Inside, the house is a hub of activity, with three trades working – plumbing, electrical, and HVAC.  Builder Charlie calls this the ant farm. The plumbersRead more about The ant farm[…]