For us, building a house is a very personal thing, and nothing is more personal than our relationship with our builder Charlie. I’ve known Charlie for 25 years, and he is probably the only person I would trust to build us a house.
I am a big fan of breakfast – bacon, sausage, eggs, the whole works, and I cook breakfast for the family most weekday mornings. As it happened, being that Charlie is a friend, and he was showing up at 7 am every morning, I started inviting him to join us, and he was more than happy to oblige.
When breakfast was ready, I would text him a picture of the eggs to let him know his order was up. So, we have a pictorial history of quite a few of the times he joined us for breakfast.
I don’t know how many times he joined us for breakfast, but, probably something like 2-3 times a week over 9 months, so in the neighborhood of 70 or more times. The kids have grown quite fond of him.
Sadly, now that we’ve moved off the property, and are living in a neighboring town, the days of Charlie joining us for breakfast are gone He still thinks he owes me quite a few meals and won’t let me pay when we go out to eat, at least until I convince him otherwise.
In case anyone is wondering, the round things in the pictures are cauliflower patties, our low-carb substitute for potatoes.